Atlanta, USA
The UNAIDS Reference Group held its first Thematic meeting on “New data, tools, and methods for estimating HIV incidence patterns and trends” at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta, on 30-31 May 2018.
The meeting was organised to focus on opportunities for specific further developments and improvements of the tools supported by UNAIDS and partner organizations for the creation of national HIV estimates, which are the source for UNAIDS Global HIV epidemic estimates. The overall aims of this meeting were to:
- Review and make recommendations about the models, data, and assumptions for estimating recent HIV incidence trends in epidemic estimation tools
- Identify promising new data sources and approaches for characterizing HIV incidence trends and transmission patterns and develop suitable approaches to incorporate these into estimation tools
The program was divided into the following sessions over the course of 2 days:
- Model structure and assumptions for recent HIV incidence trends in generalised epidemics
- Interpretation of data sources for incidence estimation in generalised epidemics
- Model structure and assumptions for recent HIV incidence trends using case surveillance and vital registration data
- Incidence estimation using case surveillance and vital registration data: country case studies
The meeting report summarising the key discussions and recommendations, as well as a summary of just the recommendation will be made available shortly. Meeting slides are accessible to logged in members only.
(Last updated: 14 June 2018)