New York City, USA

WHO, UNAIDS and the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling and Projections held a consultation to review and discuss estimates of child infections and need for ART, which took place at UNICEF in New York City. The meeiting  sought to review and discuss the methods used to generate estimates and projections of paediatric HIV and related indicators and new data available to further inform these methods. The meeting discussions were grouped into the following areas in relation to paediatric HIV:

  1. Estimating HIV+ pregnant women
  2. Retention on ART
  3. Age at start of ART
  4. Current approach to paediatric forecasting and quantification
  5. Country perspective on forecasting and quantification
  6. Basis for developing a forecasting module
  7. Planning and Development of concept note

Please view the meeting report for a summary of the meeting and recommendations.

(Last updated: Feburary 2017)

Paediatric HIV Meeting Nov 2016 Meeting Report 2016.11.10